Sunday, October 14, 2012

Rubber Mulch Box

Maybe it's just because I have a boy, but my child LOVES playing in dirt and sand and, and, and....

So, as winter approaches we wondered what to do with his sandbox!  We have plenty of room in our basement, but we didn't want to use sand (too hard to clean up inside), didn't want to use rice as we had before (because the basement is a bit damp at times, so rice could get really gross!).  So after having an empty sandbox sitting in the basement for 2 months, my husband came up with the idea of getting a few bags of that rubber mulch (like wood chips but rubber)!  It's splendid!!  We went thru it to find any bad pieces or long strings, but 2 bags filled our sandbox and our L.O. is having an absolute blast.  

Mommy might even get a few books read this winter!  Hooray!

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